Macro Mouse(tm) Version 1.00 Copyright (c) 1994 The Skamania Software Company ****************************************************************************** Thank you for trying Macro Mouse(tm)! We think you will agree that Macro Mouse(tm) provides the intuitive interface to your applications that is a natural fit with Microsoft Windows. Note that Macro Mouse(tm) will run properly only under Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or Windows for WorkGroups version 3.1. It will not run properly under prior versions. Installation of Macro Mouse(tm) Version 1.00 ****************************************************************************** Note: If you received Macro Mouse(tm) in the form in which it was distributed by the Skamania Software Company and you are reading this file, then it is obvious that you have already completed some of the below steps (1) through (4). Use the instructions below to review the steps that you have already taken. (1) Check to see that you obtained Macro Mouse(tm) in the form in which it was distributed by The Skamania Software Company. It was distributed as a self-extracting archive file named MM100.exe, dated December 5, 1994, and with a size of 267,828 bytes. (2) Create a separate directory for Macro Mouse(tm). It is not necessary for this directory to be on your DOS Path. (3) Copy the file MM100.exe to the new directory created for Macro Mouse(tm). (4) Execute MM100.exe in the new directory. This will cause the extraction of Macro Mouse(tm) files from MM100.exe into the new directory. The file MM100.exe can then be removed from this directory and saved as a backup. You should now find the following files in the new Macro Mouse(tm) directory: mm.exe (The main executable program file) mm.hlp (The Microsoft Windows Help file) mm.ini mm1.dll mm2.dll bwcc.dll dewcc.dll winsys.dll readme.txt (This file -- the file you are now viewing) For additional installation instructions, and for orientation to Macro Mouse(tm), see the Macro Mouse(tm) Help file named mm.hlp. You can display the mm.hlp file in a number of ways, such as by double clicking on the file name in a file utility program such as File Manager running in Microsoft Windows. To get started with Macro Mouse(tm), see the Help topics "Overview", "Installation/ Uninstallation", and "Getting Started/ Basic Operation". Both shareware users and distributors should note the Help topic "Software License" and "Limited Warranty". Information to contact The Skamania Software Company is provided in the Help topic "Address, Telephones". ****************************************************************************** Macro Mouse is a Trademark of The Skamania Software Company.